1st Blood :)

Blood Work Results

So got my blood work review today.  Dr. Hubert goes over everything line by line as to what it needs to be versus what it currently reads.  Accordingly, the things that are not where they should be are in the column "Out Of Range" - also highlighted in red.  The only thing that is going to be an issue is my testosterone.  I should be way up there, and it only sits at a 77.  So I have a choice of getting injections weekly or getting a 6 month dosage that is slow release basically.  Right now, its a tough call on that, as me and my wife have to look at the finances behind it.  Weekly supply will cost 200 a month and 6 month slow release will be 1700 per year.  Doc is expecting it to go up some from the weight loss.  He explained to me the reason is because fat stores something (he did name it, I just forgot) and this causes estrogen to go up and testosterone to go down.  He explains everything, I just cant remember it all.  :)  Anyways, it was very informative, and very eye opening, as you can see by the 3 pages of results there are several things that are out of whack in my body.  Im excited to get this read out, and explanation as I know this means kicking this things off!!!  For those of you that dont know, I went through this journey once before and was on it for 5 weeks.  I lost 50 pounds in 5 weeks.  So this time, I am trying to bring light to various things that happens that no one rreally knows unless you experience it.  Like for one, ever had a doctor sit down and go over your lab results with you line by line by line?  Yeah, I didnt think so, well this is what Dr. Hubert and his team at Advanced Remedy Center do for each patient on this program.  *Side note:  No one associated with Advanced Remedy Center has asked me to promote them, I wanted to blog this journey and I wanted to put this information out there so people know that there are alternative forms to weight loss besides surgery, and that I recommend this clinic.*  Just in case someone is wondering!  So please see the results below, and please continue to pray for me.  Thank you all for the words of encouragement and support! 


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