Like the Energizer Bunny

Weight: 471.8 Pounds

Like the Energizer Bunny

Yes I am a fan of the energizer bunny!  I am a drummer after all!  LOL  Anyways, my weight loss is like him, it keeps going!  I am feeling better, and have more energy.  The first few days were a little rough, as the candida starts to die off I felt like crap.  No energy, flu like symptoms, but no flu.  Its just one of those things that happens.  Last night I was reminded of how various things that are put in food, namely MSG and the way that fast food makes your mind think. 

So, last night, me and my wife had to go to town, as I live outside of town, to get our taxes done for this year.  Well, we past by Burger King.  I smelled their grill, and instantly my mouth watered!  Its truly an addiction.  I could taste their Bacon King in my mouth!  What a temptation!  I did not fall to that though.  I know that the difference between stopping and fulfilling that urge and a drug addict doing another shot of dope, is one in the same.  The strength that I drew on was I had my wife in the car and I feel that I would have let her down, the people that read this blog I feel I would have let yall down, and the fact that its simply another nail in my coffin.  I cant do it.  I dont want to do it.  I wont do it!  Simple as that.

Thank you to all who read my blogs.  I truly drew on that knowing that there are people watching and people supporting this lifestyle change for my health.  Thank you!


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